First Draw: Hugh Bland’s Trappist Mission book
Luck or Providence? Whatever one’s view of this matter, we were delighted when Shelley drew Gaye Upton’s name out of the hat. It seemed particularly fitting: Gaye, recently widowed, has given wholehearted support to the mill restoration project since she learned of it. She has participated in two work parties and is about to join a third.
Here she is holding an antique pitchfork retrieved from the mill storeroom which she had been tidying. An artist and photographer herself, she will doubtless enjoy the many magnificent photographs in Hugh’s book which devotes a number of pages to Reichenau Mission.
At Reichenau Gaye interspersed spells of work with time for sketching and photographing. We featured one of her sketches in our last report. Here are a few more as well as a gallery of her photographs showing her eye for composition.